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about this template
This is a simple privacy policy for use on a business’ website.
If your business collects any personal information, you must comply with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (the Act). Personal information is any information about an identifiable individual (a natural person). It includes, without limit, name, address details, and personal preferences.
Where your business does not collect much personal information, a full privacy policy may not be needed. If this is the case, we suggest including some privacy provisions in your website terms of use. See our template website terms of use for an example of these provisions.
This policy is suitable where your business collects a reasonable amount of personal information in your business activities. However, where your business has significant interactions with individuals (e.g. a core purpose is the collection and use of personal information), you should consider a more belts and braces policy.
This policy is your business’ public statement of how you will comply with the Act. Before it is uploaded on to your website, you should ensure that you are able to comply with it.
Also, the policy is not an explanation of all matters addressed in the Act or a general guide to how the Act works. If you want further information on the Act, the Privacy Commissioner’s website has some useful guides (see
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