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about this template
This is a typical legal due diligence list that a lead investor will send to a company raising capital. It comprises a list of legal documents and information that you will need to provide for review by the investor, usually via a file sharing site. Additional questions will inevitably arise as the investor reviews the documents provided. You should have a confidentiality agreement in place before providing any of the information requested in this list – our template mutual confidentiality agreement is suitable for this purpose.
We suggest that companies keep an electronic and physical file of the documents in this list so that when requested, they can be provided quickly. In any event, once you begin to consider raising funds, an early task will be to gather the documents set out in this document list.
We suggest arranging your file in the order and using the headings and numbering set out in this list. If the company has more than one document under any heading, list each document separately using consecutive numbering (e.g. the company may have more than one lease, if so the leases should be listed under 2.2 as, say, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2).
If there are unwritten agreements or arrangements, descriptions of those unwritten agreements/arrangements should be provided.
If the company has subsidiaries, the documents listed should be provided for each subsidiary (to the extent those documents exist).
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